Nutrition Analysis of Grass Finihsed V Grain Beef

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At the Burnsides Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, we carried out an assay of the fat acids (fat molecules) in grain-fed and grass-fed beef tallow. The sample of grass-fed tallow came from a farm in western Maryland; the grain-fed tallow was purchased in a supermarket in southern Maryland. This research was funded past the Weston A. Price Foundation.

To explore the difference in the fatty acid profile between grass-fed and grain-fed beef tallow, we analyzed one sample of each type by gas chromatography, a method used to divide and quantify private fatty acids. Encounter the table beneath for the concentrations of specific fatty acids.

The largest differences between the ii samples were the total concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and the residual between the omega-3 and omega-half-dozen forms of these fatty acids. Grass-fed tallow had 45 per centum less total PUFA, 66 pct less omega-half dozen linoleic acid, and 4 times more than omega-3 alpha-linolenic acrid. The ratio of omega-6 to omega-three fatty acids was over sixteen for the grain-fed tallow but only 1.iv for the grass-fed tallow. Any the ratios, beef tallow is not a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, with merely iii.45 per centum in grain-fed and i.9 per centum of the total in grass-fed.

Thus, while even grain-fed beef tallow has a much lower content of polyunsaturated fatty acids than mod vegetable oils, the corporeality found in grass-fed tallow is much lower and similar to that plant in the coconut products that dominate the traditional diets of Pacific Islanders, who take been extensively studied and shown to be free of eye disease. This would allow the use of tallow in the context of a mixed diet that includes other foods naturally rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as fatty fish, while still keeping the overall intake of these fat acids low and like to that found in successful traditional diets.

Grass-fed beef is often promoted as healthy considering of a lower saturated fatty acid content. But saturated stearic acrid was 36 percent higher in grass-fed beef (17.45 percent versus 12.8 percent). Levels of sixteen-carbon palmitic acid, considered "atherogenic" because in some studies it raises cholesterol levels slightly, were virtually the same in both samples. Thus, in equally fatty cuts of beef, at that place would be a higher content of saturated fatty acids in the grass-fed beef. In many traditional diets where the fattiest cuts and the fat itself were sought out, intake of these saturates would likely exist considerably higher.

Fatty Acid Fatty Acid Grain-Fed Grass-Fed
Numerical Designation Common Name Percent of Total Fatty Acids
14:0 Myristate 4.8 3.45
14:1 Myristoleate 0.85 0.7
15:0 0.8 0.55
16:0 Palmitate 27.7 27.45
t-xvi:i? 0.five 0.vii
16:1 Palmitoleate (may include sapienate) 3.iv two.5
17:0 1.4 1.35
18:0 Stearate 12.8 17.45
t-xviii:1 Vaccenate x.eight 3.viii
eighteen:1n-9 Oleate 30.nine 37.55
xviii:1n-vii 1.25 0.85
18:2n-vi Linoleate 3.25 1.ane
18:3n-three Alpha-linolenate 0.2 0.8
20:0 Arachidate 0.05 0.1
Putative Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA ) 0.25 0.3
20:ane Erruciate 0.2 0.ii
20:4n-6 + 22:0 A Arachidonate + Behenate 0.i 0.1
Total SFA 47.65 50.4
Total MUFA 47.ix 46.3
Total PUFA 3.45 1.9

Grass-fed tallow as well had 65 percent less natural trans fatty acids, and 22 percentage more of the monounsaturated oleic acid. Differences in other fatty acids were small-scale. We could not identify conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) conclusively with this method, but we identified a fatty acrid that is probable CLA, and its concentrations were identical betwixt the two samples.

In a future outcome, we volition report the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins in these samples.


Cod Liver Oil Survey – Preliminary Results
I n April of 2012, we received an anecdotal written report from a midwife of several women experiencing severe postpartum hemorrhages while reportedly following the dietary recommendations of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Concerned that the large amount of omega-3 fatty acids plant in cod liver oil could have contributed to the hemorrhages through their claret-thinning properties, especially if not counterbalanced by adequate liver, egg yolks, and other sources of arachidonic acrid, nosotros conducted a survey to decide whether postpartum hemorrhage and vaginal bleeding during pregnancy were associated with the use of cod liver oil or the dietary recommendations of the foundation. To reduce the risk of bias and increase the amount of information that could exist gained from the survey, we circulated the survey widely on the Internet and asked near a large number of foods, perinatal complications, and medications. Over three,500 women following many different diets completed the survey.
There was no association between the type of nutrition the women reported post-obit and any of the complications or medications. Women who reported taking cod liver oil were 30 percent more likely to experience postpartum hemorrhage, but the difference was not statistically meaning (P=0.09), significant in that location is a reasonable likelihood the association could be due to run a risk. Several observations suggest this is unlikely to be a true biological outcome: there was no association with the dose of cod liver oil; omega-3 fatty acids are likewise found in fish oil, but there was no association with the apply of fish oil; there was no association between cod liver oil and the risk of vaginal haemorrhage during pregnancy; and there was no association between cod liver oil and the use of medications used to control haemorrhage.
By dissimilarity, cod liver oil was associated with a big (63 pct) and statistically significant (P<0.001) drop in the risk of preeclampsia, and the magnitude of the drop in risk correlated well with the dose of cod liver oil (P<0.001). Since this is an observational study, it cannot demonstrate crusade-and-effect relationships, but this clan could reflect a protective effect of the fat-soluble vitamins in cod liver oil.
The data gathered from this survey are voluminous and volition be reported in much greater item in the next issue of this journal.

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Nutrient, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2013.

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Chris Masterjohn, PhD, is creator and maintainer of Chris is a frequent contributor to Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and is a perennial speaker at the annual Wise Traditions conference. He has written five peer-reviewed publications, and has submitted 2 additional experimental papers for peer review, i of which has been accepted for publication. Chris has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the Academy of Connecticut and has worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Illinois where he studied interactions between vitamins A, D, and One thousand. The contents of this blog represents his independent work and does not necessarily correspond the positions of the Academy of Illinois.

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